Greetings from my little desk in London. I guess I have a blog now. It's really slow at work these days and I've recently been reading some blogs online to help pass the time. I don't know if any one will be interested in the things that I have to say, but to be honest I think my life is a bit more interesting than some peoples' who have blogs so I thought I would give it a try! Plus I think it might be a good way to keep in touch with everyone back Home. Living in England is a daily adventure, I'm always experiencing new things, learning more about this great country and more about myself, on a daily basis. So there you have it. Read my blog! And send me comments. Follow me! Don't just read it on the sneak, if you're reading, I want to know! I want suggestions on what to write about, and your thoughts about the things that I have written. Questions, comments, suggestions, please!
Here is a list (I love lists!) of some of the things that I plan to write about -
living in England - differences between England and America, living with that handsome English man of mine, visa issues, finding a job, things I miss about home, things I love about London ... you get the idea.
Things I've done (I've done some cool things) and things I hope to do (that list is long!)
Food - cooking it, eating it, loving it.
TV shows, celebs, other mindless things that I have a strong opinion about.
Just whatever comes into my random little mind.
Ok, time to let my blogging adventure begin! Enjoy!
Cant wait to hear about your daily expolits!
ReplyDeleteI won't sneak and read haha. I am reading it! I am always interested in your adventures.
ReplyDeleteI am so excited about your blog! Good job! And you are right - your life is pretty interesting! Looking forward to reading about it!
ReplyDeleteso after all of your adventuring the past 2 1/2 years, you NOW decide to blog! Well I reckon you've been saving up your thoughts and have run out of room in that pretty little head of yours. You are a good writer, so write away Babygirl...your audience awaits.
ReplyDeleteThanks yall :) and all my adventuring has kept me so busy that I haven't had time to blog yet D.O.M. but now I've got lots to say!!!
ReplyDeleteWe arrive in 11 days and new advantures await. Eating and drinking will be top priorities. I love the Christmas Eve in the pub tradition. See you soon....
ReplyDeleteI'm following you Sausage! :D