That is me at the moment. Ahhhh! My exam is on Monday, just a few short days away. I have been getting lots of studying done so that is good but I am still so nervous about it. Ash says that I have the attention span of a goldfish, but I have been trying really hard to focus. I think being a multitasker is generally a good thing, but I literally can not do one thing at a time, I am always fiddling with something else. I've studied more for this exam than I have for any other and for the most part I think that I have it under control. I just hope that they ask the questions that I want them to ask! Work is slow today so I think I might sneak some studying in at my desk and I am planning on hitting the library hard on Saturday and Sunday. On top of the exam stress, my wages have been cut in half. I can only work 20 hours a week now that I am a ''full time student'' again. Ash is going to be my suggadaddy for a few months and I am so grateful for it but I do not like it. I will have to be pinching every penny. £600 / month does not go very far in London but I am going to make it work.

One thing at a time right? Pass the exam, deal with the money situation, get the next visa, find out when the next exam is, plan a trip home!

This will probably be my last blog post of the week. I'll catch up after my exam when I get back into a routine. In the meantime think happy thoughts for me and wish me lots of luck!


  1. Love, luck, thoughts, wishes, hopes, and prayers are all with you, Kait . . . xoxo

  2. You can only do what you can do and it sounds like you're doing it. Loveya Sweetie!

  3. Good luck Kait...I know you'll do fine. Love ya
