puppy love

I am not a dog person. I do not like when they lick me and jump all over me. No offence dog lovers, but I hate when people call their dogs their children and let them sleep in their bed. I never thought that I would ever want to own a slobbery stinky dog. But for the past year I have been obsessed with West Highland Terriers. Is this the cutest thing that you've ever seen or what? I want one for my birthday with a big red bow on his head. But not for my 26th birthday. Our apartment is way too tiny and we don't have a yard for this little cutie to run around in. But one day for my birthday, this is what I want. Maybe like my 30th birthday ... which omg is only 4 years away! Is it too soon to start wishing and thinking of cute little doggy names?


  1. Such as cute pup! :) LOVE IT... when i get a dog, im gonnaname it Dexter :)

  2. I want one! I want one!
